A few months ago, we got the opportunity to take apart and move a really nice mini ramp. Unfortunately, it was at the demise of a local skateboard shop. None-the-less we were the proud new owners of a well designed and maintained mini skateboard ramp. It looked like I was in for a really exciting winter season of skating, instead of snowboarding due to the lack of snow in the Tahoe area this year.
After about a weeks work, we had the ramp disassembled, moved, and reassembled in our backyard. We had to do some somewhat major changes to the backyard like fencing in two coveted off street parking spaces to make it fit but hey, where would your priorities be?
We are currently planning a contest jam, and looking for a few good sponsors who want to promote skateboarding, loud music, BBQ'ed meats and other various forms of entertainment.
Contact me through email if you'd like to be a part of the contest or would like to contribute in any way. kevin@kevinfiscus.com